
The New Moon Community Theater is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to enrich, educate, and entertain our community by providing a range of arts and theater experiences in a beloved historic landmark.


"Save the New Moon Theater." We are committed to the acquisition, restoration and operation of the historic landmark theater in Antelope County.



01. Roof

The first project was to replace the roof. With a price tag of nearly $140,000 it was replaced in late 2019. During this time the “New Moon” spire with the neon letters and moon were removed as a safety precaution.

02. Facade

In mid 2020, the facade renovation began with volunteers removing the existing brick and a mason was brought in to replace the brick with the closest matching brick.


2020 began our biggest challenge. Fundraising. We will need to raise funds to create a reserve to continue renovations, and use as matching funds for grants that are applied for.

04. Interior

The interior suffered some water damage due to a bad roof. With the roof repair/ replacement complete, we will be working with the community to help us design the best use of the space.


“We believe that storytelling through the arts, whether it’s film or music, really connects us. We recognize our shared humanity, and I think that’s so important right now.”

Melanie Miller | Board President



The New Moon Theater has a long, rich history of providing arts and entertainment to residents of Antelope County. The New Moon Theater, as current residents know it, was originally called the Moon Theater. After a devastating fire destroyed the original theater, then owner, Walter Bradley, rebuilt the theater and christened it the New Moon Theater in 1944.

The design and reconstruction of the New Moon Theater was the work of architect Henry A. Raapke. Raapke designed several theaters throughout Nebraska and is credited for theater innovations such as reverse pitch flooring, wheelchair sections, and separate “crying rooms” for mothers with young children.

At the time of its reconstruction, The New Moon Theater garnered attention and praise outside of Antelope County. In a 1944 issue of Boxoffice Magazine, Helen Kent wrote, “Despite hardships of planning and construction, the New Moon Theatre is outstanding in many respects. It is the type of small theatre which testifies again and again to the progressiveness of most of our small-town showmen. Small-town patrons are no longer to be denied the attraction and efficiency of modern motion picture theatres.”

After years of running the show, the Bradley family sold the New Moon Theater. From the 1970s through the 2010s, the theater was owned by various owners and provided entertainment for residents of Antelope County and beyond. In 2014 the theater was closed and listed for sale.

In 2018, the New Moon Community Theater non-profit was established. Through fundraising efforts and community support they purchased the New Moon Theater. The New Moon Community Theater is actively moving forward with its plans to restore the theater to its former glory and reinvigorate the art community within Antelope County.


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